Verse 67

Bid on NFT

All the world talks about my Tao 
    with such familiarity— 
What folly! 
Tao is not something found at the marketplace 
    or passed on from father to son 
It is not something to be gained by knowing 
    or lost by forgetting 
If Tao were like this 
It would have been lost and forgotten long ago 
I have three treasures that I hold dear 
    the first is love 
    the second is moderation 
    the third is humility 
With love one is fearless 
With moderation one is abundant 
With humility one can fill the highest position 
Now if one is fearless but has no love 
    abundant but has no moderation 
    rises up but has no humility 
Surely he is doomed 
Love vanquishes all attackers 
It is impregnable in defence 
When Heaven wants to protect someone 
    does it send an army? 
No, it protects him with love