Verse 20

Bid on NFT

The difference between a formal "yes" 
    and a casual "yeah"—how slight! 
The difference between knowing the Truth 
    and not knowing it—how great! 
Must I fear what others fear? 
Should I fear desolation 
    when there is abundance? 
Should I fear darkness 
    when that light is shining everywhere? 
The people of this world are steeped in their merrymaking 
    as if gorging at a great feast 
    or watching the sights of springtime 
Yet here I sit, without a sign, 
    staring blank-eyed like a child 
I am but a guest in this world 
While others rush about to get things done 
    I accept what is offered 
Oh, my mind is like that of a fool 
    aloof to the clamour of life around me 
Everyone seems to bright and live 
    with the sharp distinctions of day 
I appear dark and dull 
    with the blending of differences by night 
I am drifting like an ocean, floating like the high winds 
Everyone is so rooted in this world 
    yet I have no place to rest my head 
Indeed I am different... 
    I have no treasure but the Eternal Mother 
    I have no food but what comes from her breast