Verse 13

Bid on NFT

"Be wary of both honour and disgrace" 
"Endless affliction is bound to the body" 
What does it mean, 
    "Be wary of both honour and disgrace"? 
Honour is founded on disgrace 
    and disgrace is rooted in honour 
Both should be avoided 
Both bind a mind to this world 
That's why it says, 
    "Be wary of both honour and disgrace" 
What does it mean, 
    "Endless affliction is bound to the body"? 
Man's true self is eternal 
    yet he thinks, "I am this body, I will soon die" 
This false sense of self 
    is the cause of all his sorrow 
When a person does not identity himself with the body 
    tell me, what troubles could touch him? 
One who sees himself as everything 
    is fit to be guardian of the world 
One who loves himself as everyone 
    is fit to be teacher of the world