Verse 25

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Something formless, complete in itself 
There before Heaven and Earth 
Tranquil, vast, standing alone, unchanging 
It provides for all things yet cannot be exhausted 
It is the mother of the universe 
I do not know its name 
    so I call it "Tao" 
Forced to name it further 
I call it 
    "The greatness of all things" 
    "The end of all endings" 
I call it 
    "That which is beyond the beyond" 
    "That to which all things return" 
From Tao comes all greatness— 
    It makes Heaven great 
    It makes Earth great 
    It makes man great 
Mankind depends on the laws of Earth 
Earth depends on the laws of Heaven 
Heaven depends on the laws of Tao 
But Tao depends on itself alone 
    Supremely free, self-so, it rests in its own nature