Verse 39

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From ancient times till now 
    the One has been the source of all attainments 
By realising One 
    Heaven becomes clear, Earth becomes still 
    spirits gain power and hearts fill up with joy 
By realising the One 
    kings and lords become instruments of peace 
    and creatures live joyfully upon this earth 
Without the One 
    Heaven has no clarity and would crack 
    Earth has no peace and would crumble 
    spirits have no power and would lose their charm 
Without the One 
    hearts would dry up, empires would fall, 
    all things would go lifelessly upon this earth 
Long ago kings and lords called themselves 
    "orphaned," "lonely," and "unworthy" 
What honour can there be without humility? 
    What heights can be reached without being low? 
The pieces of a chariot are useless 
    unless they work in accordance with the whole 
A man's life brings nothing 
    unless he lives in accordance with the whole universe 
Playing one's part 
    in accordance with the universe 
    is true humility 
So whether you're a gem in the royal court 
    or a stone on the common path 
If you accept your part with humility 
    the glory of the universe will be yours