Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

To Sophie Strand, a 'compost heap' is not merely a pile of organic refuse decomposing in a forgotten corner of the garden, but a living testament to the alchemical dance of decay and rebirth. She envisions it as a symbiotic sanctuary where microbial minstrels and industrious insects harmonize in the transformative act of turning waste into rich, fertile soil. This heap is a microcosm of nature's grand cycle, pulsating with the promise of regeneration, where yesterday's remnants nourish tomorrow's blooms. For Strand, a compost heap embodies the sacred art of renewal, a physical poem that speaks to the inherent beauty found within the cyclical processes of life and death, inviting us to witness and participate in the never-ending story of creation.

See also: soil, fungi, mycelium, ecosystem, ecology

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