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Sense pleasure, as Rob Burbea might define it, refers to the gratification and delight that arises from the sensory engagement with the world, encompassing experiences through sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. This type of pleasure is intimately tied to the immediate, often fleeting, enjoyments that arise from perceivable stimuli, and is part of the broader domain of hedonic satisfaction. Burbea would likely emphasize the inherent impermanence and conditionality of sense pleasures, inviting a reflection on their transient nature and the mind's tendency to cling to or grasp at these experiences in a bid to secure lasting happiness. By acknowledging the ephemeral quality of sense pleasures, one can begin to see through their allure and foster a deeper, more serene contentment that is not contingent on external conditions.

See also: eros, awareness, suffering, perception, felt sense

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