What is this?

Awareness is an experiential process whereby we learn to become mindful of our surroundings and the subtle shifts that occur within ourselves and our environment. It involves a heightened sensitivity to the emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations that arise within us. This helps us to look beyond our current conditions and gain a greater understanding of the present moment. Through awareness, we can observe the intricacies of the ever-changing nature of life and cultivate our ability to be aware and fully immersed in the moment.

See also: paying attention, consciousness, life force, mind state

The Imaginal-Energy Body (Q & A) - (Roots into the Ground of Soul) 17 mentions

Opening Talk for Work Retreat - Working and Awakening - (Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat) 16 mentions

Preliminaries, Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture (Part 1) - (Vajra Music) 16 mentions

Contemplating the Three Characteristics (Part 2) - Anatta (Not Self) - (November Solitary) 16 mentions

Approaching the Dharma: Part Two - Liberating Ways of Looking - (November Solitary) 16 mentions

Eros and Equanimity in the Movements of Soul - (Of Hermits and Lovers - The Alchemy of Desire) 15 mentions

The Movement of Devotion (Part 2) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 15 mentions

True to Your Deepest Desires (Talk and Short Guided Meditation) - (Practising the Jhānas) 15 mentions

Using Insight to Deepen Love and Compassion - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 15 mentions

Working with the Emotional Body (Instructions and Guided Meditation: Day Four) - (The Boundless... 15 mentions