What is this?

A complex system is a class of interdependent entities, components, or parts, which interact dynamically and nonlinearly to produce emergent, unpredictable behaviour arising from the whole. This behaviour cannot be determined from the behaviour of its constituent elements, but is instead intrinsic to the system as a whole. Complex systems contain both order and chaos, feedback loops and other nonlinear dynamics, which can often lead to the generation of novel outcomes. These systems can be studied and understood through the application of tools and theories from related scientific, computer and engineering disciplines.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, agent-based modeling, antifragile, edge of chaos

EP76 Max Borders on the Social Singularity 184

EP51 Richard Bartlett on Self-Organizing Collaboration 179

EP38 Tristan Harris on Humane Tech 173

EP30 Nora Bateson on Complexity & the Transcontextual 168

EP93 Brent Cooper on Critique, Consensus & Politics 167

EP85 Gar Alperovitz on Reinventing Our Systems 156

EP110 Brad Kershner on Education & Complexity 151

Currents 019: Alexander Beiner on Indigenous Narcissism 151