What is this?

A complex system is a class of interdependent entities, components, or parts, which interact dynamically and nonlinearly to produce emergent, unpredictable behaviour arising from the whole. This behaviour cannot be determined from the behaviour of its constituent elements, but is instead intrinsic to the system as a whole. Complex systems contain both order and chaos, feedback loops and other nonlinear dynamics, which can often lead to the generation of novel outcomes. These systems can be studied and understood through the application of tools and theories from related scientific, computer and engineering disciplines.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, agent-based modeling, antifragile, edge of chaos

EP82 Hanzi Freinacht on Building a Metamodern Future 400

EP105 Christof Koch on Consciousness 370

EP145 John Vervaeke Part 3: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 366

Currents 010: Tyson Yunkaporta on Humans As Custodial Species 342

EP66 Tyson Yunkaporta on Indigenous Knowledge 312

EP 155 Iain McGilchrist Part 2: The Matter With Things 301

EP18 Stuart Kauffman on Complexity, Biology & T.A.P. 300

Currents 015: Jessica Flack & Melanie Mitchell on Complexity 299

EP67 Tomas Björkman on The Nordic Secret 297

Currents 003: Joe Norman on Localism & Scales of Cooperation 287