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Samadhi practice, as described by Rob Burbea, involves an immersive journey into profound stillness, concentration, and the unification of mind. It is the cultivation of deep meditative absorption where distractions dissipate, allowing the practitioner to experience a serene, luminous clarity. This practice not only stills the mind but also refines perception, aligning it with subtler aspects of reality and the inner landscape of dharma. In essence, samadhi fosters a deep intimacy with the present moment, unveiling layers of subtle joy and tranquility that lie beneath the surface of ordinary consciousness. Through disciplined focus and a gentle, sustained effort, samadhi opens the gateway to transformative insights and a profoundly quiet, centered state of being that supports and enhances the unfolding of wisdom and liberation.

See also: insight meditation, loving kindness, metta practice, stream entry

The Place of Samadhi in Metta Practice - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 4 mentions

Attitude, Effort, Achievement, and View - (Practising the Jhānas) 4 mentions

Opening, Tuning, and Relating to the Imaginal: Instructions (3) - (Path of the Imaginal) 2 mentions

The Theatre of Selves (Part One) - (November Solitary) 2 mentions

In Love with the Way: Images of Path and of Self - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 2 mentions

A Wise Relationship to Practice - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention

Insight Ways of Looking, Other Energy Body Possibilities, and Summarized Instructions -... 1 mention

Non-Duality and the Fading of Perception - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention

Q & A (4) - (Practising the Jhānas) 1 mention

Samadhi and Insight (a few pointers) - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention