What is this?

Metamodernity is an emergent cultural, intellectual, and artistic moment that straddles the divides of modernity and postmodernity. It sits at the intersection of idealism and realism, of irony and sincerity, of relativism and truth. Metamodernity is the state of being halfway between traditional absolutes and the relativistic uncertainties of postmodernism, focused on realistic connections, solutions, and progress at a planetary level. It isn't traditionally modern or postmodern, but a hybrid blend of the two, a dialogue between distinct and diverse paths.

See also: agi, emergence, evolutionary computing, evolutionary psychology, metamodernism

EP89 Lene Andersen on Metamodernity 248

Currents 041: Jonathan Rowson on Our Metacrisis Pickle 188

EP93 Brent Cooper on Critique, Consensus & Politics 167

Currents 043: Lene Rachel Andersen on Bildung 101

EP 165 Lene Rachel Andersen Part 1: Libertism 13