What is this?

Metamodernism is an emergent cultural sensibility that is characterized by a continuous oscillation between meta-narratives and modern sensibilities. It is a complex set of interconnected systems that embrace both postmodern and modern sensibilities through an interconnected relationship. It seeks to reconcile the often divergent values of these two sensibilities, and to build a more complex, interconnected, and dynamic understanding of the self, the world and the greater ‘system’. On the one hand, metamodernism seeks to disentangle the complexity of a postmodern world, while on the other, it also seeks to embrace a meaningful future by emphasizing integration and continuing growth. In this new iteration of modernity, the traditional linear trajectory of progress seen in modernism is replaced by a more dynamic, multi-layered, and heterogeneous understanding of culture, perspective, and limits.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, quantum foundations, cultural evolution, edge of chaos

EP80 Daniel Schmachtenberger on Better Sensemaking 1,750

EP36 Hanzi Freinacht on Metamodernism 1,669

EP53 Hanzi Freinacht on the Nordic Ideology 736

EP82 Hanzi Freinacht on Building a Metamodern Future 400

EP89 Lene Andersen on Metamodernity 248

EP 173 Hanzi Freinacht on Metamodern Self-Help 235

EP93 Brent Cooper on Critique, Consensus & Politics 167

EP127 Jonathan Rowson on The Moves That Matter 145

EP83 Michel Bauwens on Our Commons Transition 120