What is this?

Agi, or Artificial General Intelligence, is an AI technology that attempts to mimic the “cognitive” abilities of a human being, including the ability to understand and interact with the physical, social, and cultural world. Unlike other forms of AI, AGI is designed to learn continuously, build on its knowledge, and even develop its own new task-specific capabilities that can extend far beyond what its developers originally intended. It is believed to be the best way to achieve full artificial intelligence, as it would have the capacity to solve problems of any kind independently and without requiring specific modalities or data sets. AGI is still largely theoretical and remains a distant goal for the AI research community.

See also: abiogenesis, agent-based modeling, emergence, evolutionary computing, integrated information theory

EP72 Joscha Bach on Minds, Machines & Magic 12,400

EP87 Joscha Bach on Theories of Consciousness 7,303

Currents 072: Ben Goertzel on Viable Paths to True AGI 1,277

EP3 Dr. Ben Goertzel – OpenCog, AGI and SingularityNET 592

Currents 025: Ben Goertzel on Decentralizing Social Media 364

EP 172 Brendan Graham Dempsey on Emergentism 264

Currents 079: Douglas Rushkoff on Tech Escapism and Critiques of GameB 251

Currents 033: Connor Leahy on Deep Learning 222

EP 152 Gary Bengier on Hard-Science Futures 189

Currents 038: Connor Leahy on Artificial Intelligence 176