What is this?

Soil is much more than the brown stuff in our gardens—it is a mysterious, dynamic medium that is fundamental to life on Earth. It is a complex, living system of organisms, minerals, and decaying organic matter that not only provides nutrition to plants and critical habitat for creatures, but also helps to filter, aerate and store essential water resources. An appreciation for soil can bring us into a deeper relationship with the environment, and an understanding of our place within the wider web of life. It can be seen as a metaphor for the interdependence of all things, from microbes and worms to trees and us.

See also: root system, compost heap, mycorrhizal system, mycelium

Sophie Strand reads at Bard 448

SOPHIE STRAND On the Texas Shooting, Masculinity and Healthy Culture /01 337

Sophie Strand Reads for the Bard Program in Written Arts (11/20/14) 330

Radical Women & Stereotypes: Sophie Strand & Amanda Yates Garcia 321

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Re-imagined Education, Cybernetic Flow and Bewilderment with Sophie Strand and Bayo Akomolafe - E147 274

Sophie Strand: In Our Bones, We Knew This Was Going To Happen 236

The Portal of the Divine Feminine with Sophie Strand 212

Re/searching the Sacred | REC 2.0 210

Re/Turning to the Sacred | Re-imagining Education Micro Conference 129