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For Sophie Strand, a 'root system' evokes a complex, subterranean network that interweaves biology with mythology, embodying the confluence of life and narrative. To her, it is not merely an assemblage of roots anchoring a plant to soil, but a dynamic, interconnective web that pulses with stories and histories. It represents the unseen scaffolding that supports not only flora but also the interconnected tapestry of ecosystems and human cultures. Strand would frame the root system as a metaphor for hidden strength, resilience, and the unseen yet essential connections that sustain and nourish life in myriad forms. Her perspective transforms the botanical term into a rich, ecological lexicon where roots are threads that bind us to the earth and to each other, deeply intertwining our existence with the broader, breathing landscape.

See also: mycorrhizal system, soil, fungi, ecosystem

Spark Series: Sophie Strand 121

SOPHIE STRAND on Myths as Maps /312 84

Ep.74: Sophie Strand on Mycorrhizal Myths, Magic, and Golden Roses 52

Sophie Strand: Rewilding and Retelling 22

Ecological Storytelling with Sophie Strand | REC 2.0 16

Myth, Mycelium and Masculinity with Sophie Strand | Sacred Sons Podcast | FULL EPISODE 10