Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

For Sophie Strand, "love" emerges as a dynamic, interwoven web of connections that transcends mere romantic inclinations or biological imperatives. It is a reverent acknowledgment of the intricate ecosystems we inhabit, a force that invites us to notice, to care for, and to be transformed by every tendril of existence. Love, in her nuanced contemplation, is a radical act of vulnerability and attention, a bridge to the sacred geometry that underpins all life. It is not just the bond between individuals, but an expansive dialogue with the world—a sensory attunement to the rhythms and cycles that sustain us. In Strand's poetic synthesis, love becomes a verb, a living testament to our capacity for connection, creativity, and renewal.

See also: relationship, culture, myth, trauma, ecosystem

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IAN MACKENZIE & SOPHIE STRAND: Composting the Mycelial Masculine 528

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