Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

'Ultimate truth,' as described by Rob Burbea, refers to the profound realization that transcends all conceptualization and linguistic frameworks, revealing the groundless, ineffable nature of reality itself. It points to the direct, non-dual experience where distinctions between self and other, subject and object, dissolve entirely. This truth is not an objective fact to be known or an entity to be grasped, but rather an experiential insight into the boundlessness and fluidity of existence. In the realm of ultimate truth, the conventional structures and narratives that usually govern our understanding are seen through as temporary, conditioned configurations, unveiling a vast, luminous emptiness interwoven with boundless potential. It invites a radical letting go into the mystery of what is, beyond all intellectual comprehension and dualistic thinking.

See also: universal truth, dependent origination, cessation experience, mystical experience

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Three Characteristics - Three Avenues to Freedom and Joy - (Meditation on Emptiness) 6 mentions

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This Matter of Emptiness - (New Year Retreat) 6 mentions

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The Ontology of the Soul, and the Soul of Ontology ( ... inevitably) - (In Psyche's Orchard) 4 mentions

Emptiness and the Vastness of Awareness - (Meditation on Emptiness) 4 mentions

A Question of Faith - (November Solitary) 3 mentions