What is this?

Tantric practice is a complex system of meditation and ritual derived from the Indian philosophical and spiritual traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It comprises a variety of paths, practices and techniques which include mantra recitation, mantra yoga, breathwork, visualization, physical exercises, chanting, and working with a spiritual guide. These practices are used to explore inner and outer states of consciousness and to open up a deeper connection to embodied wisdom, intuition and inner knowing. Tantric practice is primarily focused on cultivating spiritual insight, emotional stability and cultivating greater love, joy and peace within oneself.

See also: phenomenological approach, cessation experience, compassion practice, insight practice

Wisdom, Art, Balance (Part 5) - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 1 mention

Image, Mythos, Dharma (Part Two) - (Day Retreat, London Insight) 1 mention

The Theatre of Selves (Part Two) - (November Solitary) 1 mention

The Gift and the Artifice of Self (Part 2) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 1 mention

Image, Mythos, Dharma (Part Three) - (Day Retreat, London Insight) 1 mention

Sailing the Oceans of Soul (Q & A) - (Foundations of a Soulmaking Dharma) 1 mention

What is an 'Image'? (Part 2) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

The Way of Non-Clinging (Part 2) - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 1 mention

A Sacred Universe: Insight, Theophany, Cosmopoesis (Part 3) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

Selflessness and a Life of Love - (The Lovingkindness (Metta) Retreat) 1 mention