What is this?

Metta practice is a form of mindfulness meditation, based on the Buddhist concept of loving-kindness, that works to cultivate qualities of beneficence, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity towards ourselves, others, and the world. Practicing Metta has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, increase positive emotion, and overall wellbeing. The technique can be practiced formally, by attending a class or retreat, or informally, by simply taking moments of appreciation and gratitude during everyday activities.

See also: compassion practice, insight meditation, loving kindness

Love, Healing, and Emptiness - (Meditation on Emptiness) 6 mentions

Judgment - (Cambridge Day Retreats) 6 mentions

Expressions of Metta - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 5 mentions

An Ecology of Love (Part 2) - (An Ecology of Love) 5 mentions

First Instructions and Guided Metta Meditation - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 5 mentions

Love and Emptiness - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 5 mentions

Samadhi in Metta Practice - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 5 mentions

Aspects of the Imaginal (Part 1) - (The Mirrored Gates) 4 mentions

Seventh Instructions and Guided Metta Meditation: Metta and Emptiness - (Metta and Emptiness... 4 mentions

Eros and the Brahmaviharas - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 4 mentions