Last updated over 1 year ago. What is this?

In Rob Burbea's interpretation, jhana refers to a series of meditative absorptions that are characterized by profound stillness, deep concentration, and an exquisite sense of peace and joy. These states arise when mindfulness and effort coalesce into a seamless focus on a single meditation object, such as the breath or a kasina. The initial jhana is marked by rapture and a sense of one-pointedness, which progressively deepen as one advances through subsequent jhanas, each becoming more refined and subtle. Jhana practice, as Burbea sees it, provides a transformative experience that not only stabilizes the mind but also unveils deeper layers of insight into the nature of consciousness and existence. By navigating through the different levels of jhana, practitioners can cultivate a sublime inner tranquility that profoundly impacts their spiritual journey.

See also: insight meditation, dependent origination, samadhi practice, metta practice

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