What is this?

An 'intuitive sense' can be understood as an immediate grasp of a situation or an event, beyond the level of conscious thought. It is a felt-sense that operates beyond the boundaries of our limited conceptual understanding. It can be seen to originate in the deeper realms of our being, as a source of insight and wisdom that facilitates a profound engagement with our experience, leading to clarity and personal growth. Intuitive sense can be nurtured through practices of mindfulness, self-reflection and contemplative inquiry.

See also: awareness, perception, suffering, awakening, stream entry

Ways of Looking: (1) Anicca - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 1 mention

The Phoenix of Metaphysics (Part 2) - (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light) 1 mention

Freeing the Self - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 1 mention

Opening, Tuning, and Relating to the Imaginal: Instructions (2) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

Deepening Into Emptiness (Question and Answer Session 4) - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 1 mention

Impermanence, Love, Emptiness (Question and Answer Session 3) - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 1 mention

Question and Answer Session 2 - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 1 mention

No Mind - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention

Soulmaking Dyad Practice - (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light) 1 mention