What is this?

Infinite consciousness is the notion that consciousness, as opposed to being an abstract, ephemeral quality confined to individuals, is an all-pervasive, eternal and unconditional ground of existence that exists prior to and beyond our individual experience. It is the view that there is an unbounded field of pure awareness from which all things arise and in which all things are part of a greater whole. It is a subtle, yet fundamental dimension of reality that transcends our concept-based understanding of the physical world and the empirical divisions of experience.

See also: awareness, mystical experience, dependent origination, compassion practice, universal truth

The Fifth Jhana (The Realm of Infinite Space) - (Practising the Jhānas) 2 mentions

'The Holy Life' (Part 1) - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 2 mentions

From Mindfulness to Divinity: Towards the Tracing of a Phenomenology of Soul (Part 2) - (Eros... 2 mentions

Impermanence, Love, Emptiness (Question and Answer Session 3) - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 2 mentions

An Introduction to the Jhanas - (Practising the Jhānas) 1 mention

Aspects of the Imaginal (Part 3) - (The Mirrored Gates) 1 mention

Love and the Emptiness of Things - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 1 mention

Eros Unfettered (Part 5 - Otherness and the Art of Disappearing) - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the... 1 mention

The Love and Demands of the Imaginal (Part 2) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention