What is this?

An imaginal figure is an autonomous agency that possesses an internal life and emerges from the transformation of unconscious material into conscious thought and form. Through the act of imagination, this unconscious material gains a richness of inner life, creating an autonomous entity which can be related to in a creative and meaningful way. Imaginal figures may also manifest themselves in the form of figures in dreams and fantasies, linking the conscious world to the unconscious and allowing for deeper exploration of the unknown.

See also: phenomenological approach, developmental psychology, conceptual framework, imaginal dimension, imaginal practice

Matter, Bodies, Worlds (Part 1) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 1 mention

Dukkha and Soulmaking (Part 5) - (The Mirrored Gates) 1 mention

The Image of Ethics (Part 3) - (In Psyche's Orchard) 1 mention

Discernment in Soulmaking (Q & A) - (Tending the Holy Fire) 1 mention

The Image of Ethics (Part 5) - (In Psyche's Orchard) 1 mention

Imaginal Practice: Doorways and Directions (Part 2) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

Energy, Image, Emotion (Part 2) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

Clinging, Craving, Eros (Q & A) - (Of Hermits and Lovers - The Alchemy of Desire) 1 mention

This Fire, This Longing (Q & A) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 1 mention

Hearing All Sounds as Mantra - A Jewelline World - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of... 1 mention