What is this?

Equanimity is the naturally abiding capacity to abide in open-hearted non-reactivity and acceptance amidst life’s unfolding. It is an awareness-based, non-judgmental spaciousness in which events, states and emotions are held in attentive guardianship with language and thought used only insofar as is necessarily required. As the unchanged ground of being amidst the changing tides of experience, equanimity abides as a cardinal virtue of mindful presence which embraces the whole of life with unconditional compassionate neutrality.

See also: cessation experience, dependent origination, insight meditation, loving kindness, metta practice

Beyond Impermanence - (New Year Retreat) 3 mentions

Jhanas and Insight - (Practising the Jhānas) 3 mentions

Emptiness and Ways of Looking - (In Psyche's Orchard) 3 mentions

On the Nature of Mind - (Meditation on Emptiness) 3 mentions

Aspects of Mindfulness (Part 2) - (Meditation Day) 3 mentions

Freedom from Fear and Anxiety - (Silent Autumn Retreat, Finland) 3 mentions

Working with Anger and Aversion (Part Two) - (Day Retreat, London Insight) 3 mentions

This Fire, This Longing (Q & A) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 3 mentions

Visions of the Beyond - (Of Hermits and Lovers - The Alchemy of Desire) 2 mentions

Using Insight to Deepen Love and Compassion - (Lovingkindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening) 2 mentions