What is this?

Awareness is an experiential process whereby we learn to become mindful of our surroundings and the subtle shifts that occur within ourselves and our environment. It involves a heightened sensitivity to the emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations that arise within us. This helps us to look beyond our current conditions and gain a greater understanding of the present moment. Through awareness, we can observe the intricacies of the ever-changing nature of life and cultivate our ability to be aware and fully immersed in the moment.

See also: paying attention, consciousness, life force, mind state

Working with Anger and Aversion - (Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation) 2 mentions

The Imaginal and the Middle Way (Q & A) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 2 mentions

Trusting in Soulmaking (Q & A) - (Tending the Holy Fire) 2 mentions

Deepening Into Emptiness (Question and Answer Session 4) - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 2 mentions

Freedom from Fear and Anxiety (Introduction) - (Cambridge Day Retreats) 2 mentions

Sailing the Oceans of Soul (Q & A) - (Foundations of a Soulmaking Dharma) 2 mentions

Sila and Soul (Part 5) - (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light) 2 mentions

Eros Unfettered (Part 1) - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 2 mentions

Freeing the Self - (Metta and Emptiness (Level 1)) 2 mentions

Introduction and Guided Enquiry - (Day Retreat, London Insight) 2 mentions