What is this?

The Great Simplification is the process by which we transcend the complexity of our current system and move to a more sustainable and equitable model. It involves making conscious, thoughtful decisions about how we use energy, consume resources, interact with technology, and interact with one another. Ultimately, it’s about being mindful of our actions in order to create a society that meets the needs of all people, while taking the strain off of our environment. Through thoughtful simplification and meaningful action we can create communities, networks and systems that are more balanced, equitable, and sustainable.

See also: exponential growth, ecological footprint, economic system, nuclear power, renewable energy

Vicki Robin “Money and Life’s Energy” | The Great Simplification #21 3,292

Chuck Watson “From MAD to NUTS: Risk, Nukes, & Climate Change” | The Great Simplification #04 3,283

DJ White: "Ocean Effectivism" | The Great Simplification #51 3,264

NOT For Sale | Frankly #24 3,256

Daniel Pauly: “Peak Fish and Other Ocean Realities” | The Great Simplification #15 3,110

Jason Bradford: “A Hybrid Path to the Future of Farming” | The Great Simplification #24 3,030

7 Shades of Jekyll and Hyde | Frankly #14 3,015

John Gowdy: “Superorganisms, Crazy Ants, and Fire Apes, Oh My!" | The Great Simplification #14 2,891

Betsy Taylor: “Finding Hope in Nature-Based Solutions” | The Great Simplification #43 2,791

Mary Evelyn Tucker: “Religion, Ecology, and the Future” | The Great Simplification #40 2,475