What is this?

Social media is the use of digital technologies and platforms to promote an interactive dialogue between users. It is a space for communication, collaboration, and collective problem solving. Social media uses a variety of web-based and mobile technologies to facilitate user-generated content, social networking, user interfaces, and other tools that facilitate the sharing of information. Social media is inherently interactive and conversational, allowing for users to create relationships and foster communities through sharing, engaging, and connecting with each other.

See also: mass media, feedback loop, collective intelligence, game theory, low-hanging fruit

63: Jordan Greenhall - Pt 2: Deep Code: Learning How To Learn 5,393

Meandering 90 Minutes with Johnny V 2,974

Jordan Hall - JML #010 2,881

Sunil Bagai Interviews Jordan Hall - Turning Crisis into Opportunity amidst Coronavirus 2,169

A Deep Code Conversation With Jordan Greenhall 2,161

Situational Assessment w/ Jordan Hall (March 21, 2020) 2,065

Situational Assessment w/ Jordan Hall (May 5th, 2020) 1,624

Reinvent Governance (Roundtable) | Reinvent America 910

Creating Wealth in Transition with Jordan Hall 901

Jordan Hall - JML #023 811