What is this?

Social media is a digital form of communication in which media and users create content, shape conversations, and influence each other within a connected platform. This form of media is fundamentally different than broadcast media in that it is interactive, allowing people to share information, ideas, and opinions easily with large and distant audiences. This is why it is critical to understand the implications of its use, as it can be a powerful tool for disseminating messages, connecting people, and creating a sense of collective action. It can also be a medium for misuse, misunderstanding, and manipulation.

See also: social network, social justice, collective intelligence, collective action

EP115 Max Borders on America’s Collapse 249

EP89 Lene Andersen on Metamodernity 248

Currents 024: BJ Campbell on the Woke Religion 224

EP 150 Jeremy Lent on the Web of Meaning 195

Currents 037: Sam Harris on Surviving Our Smartphones 191

EP76 Max Borders on the Social Singularity 184

EP118 Matt Ridley on How Innovation Works 180

EP70 Art Brock & Fernanda Ibarra on Currencies 178

Currents 078: John Ash on AI Art Tools 176

EP38 Tristan Harris on Humane Tech 173