Last updated over 1 year ago. What is this?

Jim Rutt describes 'social media' as a complex, dynamic network of digital platforms that enable users to create, share, and engage with content and one another in real-time. Through these technologically-enabled channels, individuals and communities participate in a rich tapestry of interactions, including the exchange of information, ideas, and personal experiences, fostering both ephemeral and lasting connections. Rutt emphasizes that social media not only facilitates communication on an unprecedented scale but also significantly influences societal behaviors, cultural norms, and the broader discourse. While lauding its potential for democratizing information and empowering grassroots movements, he also critically examines its pitfalls, such as echo chambers, misinformation, and erosion of privacy. In Rutt's view, social media stands as a testament to the transformative power of digital connectivity, contingent on responsible usage and continuous evolution.

See also: social network, social justice, collective intelligence, collective action

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