What is this?

Social media is a digital form of communication in which media and users create content, shape conversations, and influence each other within a connected platform. This form of media is fundamentally different than broadcast media in that it is interactive, allowing people to share information, ideas, and opinions easily with large and distant audiences. This is why it is critical to understand the implications of its use, as it can be a powerful tool for disseminating messages, connecting people, and creating a sense of collective action. It can also be a medium for misuse, misunderstanding, and manipulation.

See also: social network, social justice, collective intelligence, collective action

EP134 Forrest Landry on Non-Relative Ethics 336

Currents 059: Samo Burja on RU-UKR 23-MAR-2022 332

Currents 007: David Fuller on the IDW 279

EP55 Jack Murphy on Leaving the Left 272

EP75 Nick Chater: “The Mind Is Flat” 267

EP62 Zak Stein on Education, Tech & Religion 266

EP 172 Brendan Graham Dempsey on Emergentism 264

EP107 Tristan Harris on Our Social Dilemma 262

EP142 Robert Tercek on the Metaverse 259

Currents 079: Douglas Rushkoff on Tech Escapism and Critiques of GameB 251