Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Jim Rutt describes an 'intentional community' as a planned residential community designed to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. These communities are established with the explicit intention of creating a governing and living structure that aligns with shared values and goals. Individuals in intentional communities often prioritize sustainability, cooperative living, and mutual support, striving to create a more resilient and interconnected way of life. Rutt emphasizes that these communities transcend mere proximity, instead fostering deep relationships and shared responsibilities among their members. By collectively managing resources and decision-making processes, intentional communities aim to address the shortcomings of broader society, experimenting with new forms of social organization and communal living. Through this deliberate and conscious effort, intentional communities serve as incubators for innovative social models and alternative lifestyles.

See also: attractor, collective intelligence, conviviality, free will, evolutionary psychology

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