What is this?

Conviviality is a concept that allows us to explore the idea of people coming together for collective enjoyment. It can be thought about in terms of the relationships between people, the environment, and the shared resources that help create and maintain a lively and mutually beneficial communal experience. At its core, it is a way of thinking about what we value as humans and how we can shape our environments and interactions in ways that emphasize shared joy, social connections, and mutual support.

See also: cultural evolution, emergence, evolutionary computing, evolutionary psychology, collective intelligence

EP26 Jordan Hall on the Game B Emergence 1,943

EP144 John Vervaeke Part 2: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 554

EP82 Hanzi Freinacht on Building a Metamodern Future 400

EP 172 Brendan Graham Dempsey on Emergentism 264

Currents 079: Douglas Rushkoff on Tech Escapism and Critiques of GameB 251

EP 173 Hanzi Freinacht on Metamodern Self-Help 235

EP140 Robin Dunbar on Friendship 227

EP69 Rachel Haywire on Free Thinking & Expression 221

EP 150 Jeremy Lent on the Web of Meaning 195

Bonus: Jim on The Stoa, COVID & Game B 181