What is this?

Game B is an approach to the world which seeks to assess and address current challenges in a way that emphasizes both ecological sustainability and long-term human flourishing. It entails looking at world problems systemically with a long-term perspective in mind, considering multiple outcomes and facets of the issue, and using strategies that strengthen interconnections between parties with different goals and strategies. This may involve collaborative governance, collective action, and utilizing both existing and emerging technologies to ensure fairness and accountability. Game B is future-oriented, aiming to create societies and systems that are resilient, self-sustaining and largely independent over time.

See also: evolutionary computing, game theory, emergence, agent-based modeling, collective intelligence

EP83 Michel Bauwens on Our Commons Transition 120

Currents 006: Jim Coan on Our Social Recession 118

Currents 012: Andrew Taggart on Narcissism, Culture & Dying 118

EP122 Ashley Colby on Subsistence Agriculture 111

Currents 026: Bill Ottman on Minds.com 109

Currents 077: Serge Faguet on Consciousness and Post-AGI Ethics 106

Currents 043: Lene Rachel Andersen on Bildung 101

Currents 029: Vance Crowe on the “Well-Actually” Graph 101

EP16 Anaconda CTO Peter Wang on The Distributed Internet 99

EP114 John Bunzl on his Simpol Solution 96