What is this?

Emergence is a powerful phenomenon in which individual components of a system interact to create higher-level, emergent behaviors that are significantly more complex than the behaviors of the individual components. Emergence allows for an ability to self-organize and self-stabilize without the need for any external input or manipulation, but instead arising out of the interactions between the individual components themselves. The emergent behavior can be difficult to predict or explain, yet can have a profound and far-reaching impact on the system as a whole.

See also: agent-based modeling, evolutionary computing, self-organization, complex system

EP 151 Daniel Mezick on Ritual and Hierarchy 12

EP 164 John Markoff on the Many Lives of Stewart Brand 9

Currents 064: Michael Garfield and J.F. Martel on Art x AI 7

Currents 049: Ashley Colby & Jason Snyder on Doomer Optimism 7

EP 159 Bobby Azarian on the Romance of Reality 2

Currents 053: Matthew Pirkowski on Grammars of Emergence 2

EP 167 Bruce Damer on the Origins of Life 1

EP 157 Terrence Deacon on Mind’s Emergence From Matter 1