What is this?

Emergence is a powerful phenomenon in which individual components of a system interact to create higher-level, emergent behaviors that are significantly more complex than the behaviors of the individual components. Emergence allows for an ability to self-organize and self-stabilize without the need for any external input or manipulation, but instead arising out of the interactions between the individual components themselves. The emergent behavior can be difficult to predict or explain, yet can have a profound and far-reaching impact on the system as a whole.

See also: agent-based modeling, evolutionary computing, self-organization, complex system

EP11 Dave Snowden and Systems Thinking 618

EP3 Dr. Ben Goertzel – OpenCog, AGI and SingularityNET 592

EP40 Eric Smith on the Physics of Living Systems 542

EP147 John Vervaeke Part 5: Awakening from the Meaning Crisis 507

EP113 Zak Stein on Hierarchical Complexity 488

EP109 Forrest Landry on Immanent Metaphysics: Part 2 471

Currents 027: Charles Hoskinson on Cardano Blockchain Project 444

EP9 Joe Norman: Applied Complexity 428

EP82 Hanzi Freinacht on Building a Metamodern Future 400

EP105 Christof Koch on Consciousness 370