What is this?

Crypto, or cryptography, is the practice of using mathematical algorithms and protocols to encrypt, protect, and securely transmit information. By using highly advanced mathematical models and cryptographic principles, it provides users with a high level of security and privacy. When used correctly, crypto technology allows for users to make digital payments, secure online communications, and safely share confidential data without fear of the information being intercepted or corrupted. Furthermore, the technology is widely used in a variety of industries to ensure the integrity of systems, protect one's identity, and authenticate users.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, quantum foundations

EP47 Mark Burgess on the Physics of Money 60

EP 166 Lene Rachel Andersen Part 2: Libertism 37

Currents 066: Matthew Pirkowski on Emergence in Possibility Space 24

Currents 074: Serge Faguet on Building Metacommunity 15

Currents 051: Douglas Rushkoff on the Once and Future Internet 15

EP 165 Lene Rachel Andersen Part 1: Libertism 13

EP 162 Max Borders on Decentralism 11

Currents 071: Liam Madden on Rebirthing Democracy 7

Currents 053: Matthew Pirkowski on Grammars of Emergence 2