What is this?

Crypto, or cryptography, is the practice of using mathematical algorithms and protocols to encrypt, protect, and securely transmit information. By using highly advanced mathematical models and cryptographic principles, it provides users with a high level of security and privacy. When used correctly, crypto technology allows for users to make digital payments, secure online communications, and safely share confidential data without fear of the information being intercepted or corrupted. Furthermore, the technology is widely used in a variety of industries to ensure the integrity of systems, protect one's identity, and authenticate users.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, quantum foundations

EP70 Art Brock & Fernanda Ibarra on Currencies 178

EP63 Michel Bauwens on P2P & Commons 178

Currents 038: Connor Leahy on Artificial Intelligence 176

EP83 Michel Bauwens on Our Commons Transition 120

Currents 077: Serge Faguet on Consciousness and Post-AGI Ethics 106

EP16 Anaconda CTO Peter Wang on The Distributed Internet 99

Currents 035: Steve Barbour on Mining Bitcoin with Methane 81

EP 149 Joshua Vial on Enspiral 80

EP43 Daniel Christian Wahl on a Regenerative Future 71

EP58 Jake Bornstein on Leadership & Change 68