What is this?

Social media is a collective term used to describe web-based tools that enable people to interact, engage, collaborate and share information or content. The goal of social media is to enable individuals or groups to communicate with one another in a decentralised, open and public manner. Social media apps often incorporate multimedia elements, such as text, photos, audio, and audiovisual content, and use networks like Facebook and Twitter to amplify messages, enabling individuals to spread ideas with unprecedented speed and reach. By providing users with immediacy, accessibility and connectedness, social media allows everyone to be a publisher, contributor and consumer of content, empowering individuals to shape public conversations, create and share stories, and accelerate organisational, social, and political change.

See also: flow genome project, radical hope, psychedelic experience, peak experience

HomeGrown Humans - Dr. Gabor Maté - Trauma - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 8,383

Sense-Making In Chaos - Jamie Wheal 7,262

Jamie Wheal: “Neuro-anthropology and Culture Architecture” | The Great Simplification #13 6,495

Jamie Wheal talks about getting to a flow state 5,745

Jamie Wheal | Kyle Kingsbury Podcast 5,097

Unf*cking the World — Radical Hope for the Future || Jamie Wheal on Finding Mastery 4,270

Jamie Wheal, Stealing Fire | Get Benefits From Altered States |The New Man Podcast with Tripp Lanier 3,464

Jamie Wheal Podcast 3,281