What is this?

Non-ordinary states are altered states of consciousness that unlock a heightened, transcendent range of capacities. They are threshold states that blur the boundaries of traditional dualistic categories such as ‘self’ and ‘other’ or ‘here’ and ‘there’ and alter the neural chemistry, physiology and the theta rhythm wave form so that the user experiences enhanced creativity, empathy, perception, learning and healing. Non-ordinary states have been essential components of shamanic and spiritual practices throughout history, and have been harnessed in recent decades through spiritual technologies such as yoga, psychedelic drugs, hypnosis and holistic medicine.

See also: altered state, flow state, peak experience, psychedelic experience, rapture ideology

HomeGrown Humans - Rick Doblin, Ph.D. - MAPS - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 1,377

Episode 167 —Jamie Wheal: How to Recapture the Rapture 1,371

How to Make Meaning in Challenging Times — with Jamie Wheal 1,235

HomeGrown Humans - Adam Gazzaley, MD, Ph.D. - Neuroscience - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 1,180

Episode 88 – Jamie Wheal – Flow States, Creativity, Consciousness (Co-Author: Stealing Fire) 1,053

ASPENBRAINLAB 2018 - Jamie Wheal: "The Enhanced Human: Getting into FLOW for Optimal Performance" 872

Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal - 3 Big Ideas 620

Jamie Wheal - The Four Biggest Traps in Seeking Altered States 594

Conspirituality 47: Is An Ethical Cult Possible? (w/Jamie Wheal) 594