What is this?

Flow state, as coined by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi, is a highly energized, focused and intrinsically rewarding mental state in which individuals become deeply immersed in an activity. This heightened state of consciousness is marked by an increase in creativity, productivity, and a sense of pleasure or enjoyment. Flow state allows one to lose their sense of self and completely immerse themselves in the process of their chosen activity, allowing them to achieve a higher level of understanding, skill and performance. Embracing flow state can help individuals to access greater insight and more creative solutions to even the most challenging problems.

See also: delta wave, peak experience, altered state, non-ordinary state, flow genome project

Ecstatic States of Consciousness | Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up with Jamie Wheal 988

ASPENBRAINLAB 2018 - Jamie Wheal: "The Enhanced Human: Getting into FLOW for Optimal Performance" 872

Jamie Wheal - The BEST way to get into a Flow state 645

Jamie Wheal Interview 629

Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal - 3 Big Ideas 620

Conspirituality 47: Is An Ethical Cult Possible? (w/Jamie Wheal) 594

Jamie Wheal - The Four Biggest Traps in Seeking Altered States 594

Recapture the Rapture: A Conversation with Jamie Wheal 497

"How to Get To Flow State" w/Jamie Wheal, Author "Stealing Fire" & Jesse Richman, Kiting World Champ 483