What is this?

Flow state, as coined by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi, is a highly energized, focused and intrinsically rewarding mental state in which individuals become deeply immersed in an activity. This heightened state of consciousness is marked by an increase in creativity, productivity, and a sense of pleasure or enjoyment. Flow state allows one to lose their sense of self and completely immerse themselves in the process of their chosen activity, allowing them to achieve a higher level of understanding, skill and performance. Embracing flow state can help individuals to access greater insight and more creative solutions to even the most challenging problems.

See also: delta wave, peak experience, altered state, non-ordinary state, flow genome project

Jamie Wheal talks about getting to a flow state 5,745

'Stealing Fire: Peak States and Ethical Cult Building' Jamie Wheal 4,610

WHAT ARE PEAK AND FLOW STATES? | Jamie Wheal On London Real 3,628

Jamie Wheal, Stealing Fire | Get Benefits From Altered States |The New Man Podcast with Tripp Lanier 3,464

Jamie Wheal - Hacking Humans: The Source Code Behind Ultimate Performance 3,259

Jamie Wheal - Live Q&A with Future Thinkers Members 3,090

Simulation | CoHack #445 Jamie Wheal - Flow & Psychedelics 2,815

WHAT WAS YOUR PERSONAL JOURNEY | Jamie Wheal On London Real 2,694

Episode 171 - "Stealing Fire" with Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal 2,474

HomeGrown Humans - Douglas Rushkoff - Team Human - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 2,397