What is this?

An altered state of consciousness, or ASC, can be defined as a distinct level of consciousness that is significantly different from an individual’s regular waking state. It is characterized by drastic changes in alertness, concentration, subjective experience, short- and long-term memory, sensory perception, and behavior, with many stating that these states can increase creativity, clarity, and connection to a higher purpose. ASCs have been used for health and healing applications, as psycho-spiritual laboratory, as well as expanded and ecstatic states often used in conferring ancient wisdom and mystery.

See also: delta wave, flow state, peak experience, non-ordinary state

Introducing HomeGrown Humans with Jamie Wheal on Collective Insights 1,826

Jamie Wheal on going beyond alpha burner party crowd spirituality 1,453

Stealing Fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal - REVIEW 1,261

Jamie Wheal - The BEST way to get into a Flow state 645

Jamie Wheal Interview 629

Conspirituality 47: Is An Ethical Cult Possible? (w/Jamie Wheal) 594

Jamie Wheal - The Four Biggest Traps in Seeking Altered States 594

Recapture the Rapture: A Conversation with Jamie Wheal 497

BWB-BRC Speaker Series 2020: Grow Up and Show Up (Jamie Wheal) 450