What is this?

Time can be thought of as a multi-faceted phenomenon underpinning the very essence of our conscious experience. Time serves as the medium by which events unfold and our mental narratives progress, holding together a wealth of multidimensional processes that our bodies and minds behaviourally enact, incorporating both duration and measured intervals. It is this combination of a measured progression and an ever-expanding variety of experiences that gives time its unique character, a quality complementing and challenging our physical and mental notions of space, providing the very substrate of our day to day existence.

See also: minute particular, left hemisphere, right hemisphere, brain, flow state

The Matter with Things | Iain McGilchrist | EP 278 366,180

Iain McGilchrist, 'We Need to Act' 93,480

The Attack On Life and Understanding Our Times. A conversation with Iain McGilchrist and Mark Vernon 83,628

Iain McGilchrist Λ John Vervaeke on Reality, God, Meaning, Consciousness, and Being 59,464

Yuri Bezmenov, Iain McGilchrist, and Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation (from July 2022 Patreon) 58,407

Beyond Materialism: The Matter With Things | with Dr. Iain McGilchrist 31,694

Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God 28,912

The Wisdom Of Intuition - Iain McGilchrist | Modern Wisdom Podcast 455 23,862

Of Sound Mind: Sound and Betweenness - Dr Iain McGilchrist & Professor Nina Kraus 14,949

"Balancing the Brain" with Iain McGilchrist and Satish Kumar 13,624