What is this?

Time can be thought of as a multi-faceted phenomenon underpinning the very essence of our conscious experience. Time serves as the medium by which events unfold and our mental narratives progress, holding together a wealth of multidimensional processes that our bodies and minds behaviourally enact, incorporating both duration and measured intervals. It is this combination of a measured progression and an ever-expanding variety of experiences that gives time its unique character, a quality complementing and challenging our physical and mental notions of space, providing the very substrate of our day to day existence.

See also: minute particular, left hemisphere, right hemisphere, brain, flow state

Parts and Whole, Science and Intuition, Left Brain and Right Brain with Dr. Iain McGilchrist 2,257

Matter and Spirit. Andrew Briggs and Iain McGilchrist in conversation 2,163

Conversation between Richard Watson, Iain McGilchrist, and Michael Levin 2,136

Is it possible to know ourselves? | Iain McGilchrist, Bence Nanay, Betty Sue Flowers, and more 2,090

Can we ever really know our selves? | Iain McGilchrist and Bence Nanay 2,027

Unpacking Iain McGilchrist and The Matter with Things! 1,473

Our Divided Nature & Reasons for Hope: A Conversation with Dr Iain McGilchrist 975

The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 1 916

The Attack On Life and Understanding Our Times. A conversation with Iain McGilchrist and Mark Vernon 794

Freeing Perception. 10 Ways of Living Iain McGilchrist's Work 424