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The mind, as understood by Iain McGilchrist, is not merely the product of brain activity but a dynamic, embodied process that bridges the tangible and the intangible, the individual and the collective. It transcends mechanical computations, enriching human experience through its deeply relational and context-dependent nature. The mind reflects the fluid interplay of our hemispheric brain functions, where the left hemisphere's focus on narrow, analytical tasks complements the right hemisphere's broader, more integrative awareness of the world. This synergistic relationship enables the mind to engage with the world in a way that is both deeply personal and universally connected, integrating emotions, intuition, and intellect. Far from being an isolated organ, the mind exists within a wider framework of environmental, social, and cultural influences, shaping and being shaped by the lived reality it participates in.

See also: consciousness, brain, left brain, right brain

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