What is this?

The mind is not a single monolithic entity but instead is composed of multiple and dynamic powers that interact with each other in a complex relationship, one that is both creative and destructive. It is a process of layered, creative and interactive effects, one that is constantly in a process of becoming, and has the capacity to understand the world around us by integrating the elements and experiences of our lives. Instead of being a single entity, the mind is an ever-shifting dynamic of powers of cognition, perception, emotion and imagination that are constantly reaching out and bringing in from the external world and our inner life.

See also: consciousness, brain, left brain, right brain

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Watch now! Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx: Brain Science & God • The Big Conversation 424

Freeing Perception. 10 Ways of Living Iain McGilchrist's Work 424

Diversity & The Creative Brain: Iain McGilchrist & Matthew Syed, Nudgestock 2022 302

Sam Harris and Iain McGilchrist - The Divided Mind #samharris #dividedmind #leftandright 169

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The Matter With Things Part 2 with Iain McGilchrist 28

Making Sense of Chaos | Iain McGilchrist & Guests (Part 1) 23

A Conversation with Dr. Iain McGilchrist - The Future Scientist 21

What the world's made of... | Iain McGilchrist 12