What is this?

Supply chain is the interconnected system of activities, processes, and organisations involved in the production and delivery of goods, services, and information from one point of origin to another. It involves coordination to identify, track, and manage the transformation of resources from raw materials to finished goods and beyond, ultimately delivering the desired goods or services to the end customer. An efficient supply chain seeks to achieve a balance between cost-effectiveness, customer satisfaction. and sustainability.

See also: collective action, coordination failure, critical infrastructure, decision making

Daniel Schmachtenberger || Towards a Radical Cultural Enlightenment 20,042

BN 15 | Daniel Schmachtenberger: A Fatal Blow to an Already Dead System 18,704

Mimetic Theory of Desire | Daniel Schmachtenberger and Lex Fridman 17,643

The Metacrisis with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Part 1 | Green Pill #26 16,257

Daniel Schmachtenberger – Existential Risk and Phase Shifting to a New World System 15,649

Daniel Schmachtenberger: "Bend Not Break Part 5" | The Great Simplification #50 13,691

Norrsken Sessions l Daniel Schmachtenberger 11,241

Superstructures with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Green Pill #32 10,384

Daniel Schmachtenberger | Are We Currently Fighting World War III? (#71) 10,038

Digital Porch: Session 4 w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger 9,860