What is this?

Collective intelligence is an emergent phenomenon that occurs when multiple agents come together to solve a problem. It is the combination of diverse perspectives and opinions from individual contributors which result in enhanced knowledge, insight and creativity. Collective intelligence is a powerful tool to facilitate cooperative solutions and generate innovative solutions by leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of the group. It is widely used in organizations and communities as a means to increase collaboration, trust and overall productivity.

See also: collective action, complexity science, decision making, network dynamics, systems thinking

In Search of the Third Attractor, Daniel Schmachtenberger (part 2) 27,436

Misleading with "True Facts" (Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein) 27,141

Advancing Collective Intelligence | Daniel Schmachtenberger & Phoebe Tickell, Consilience Project 22,236

Parallax: Deep Future - with Daniel Schmachtenberger and Alexander Bard 20,142

Daniel Schmachtenberger || Towards a Radical Cultural Enlightenment 20,042

Better Sensemaking, with Daniel Schmachtenberger, John Vervaeke & Sara Ness 18,669

Body and Soul: Where Do We Go From Here? We, I, and It w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger and Zak Stein 18,658

The Metacrisis with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Part 1 | Green Pill #26 16,257

The Digital Porch: Session 1 w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger 16,238