What is this?

Collective intelligence is an emergent phenomenon that occurs when multiple agents come together to solve a problem. It is the combination of diverse perspectives and opinions from individual contributors which result in enhanced knowledge, insight and creativity. Collective intelligence is a powerful tool to facilitate cooperative solutions and generate innovative solutions by leveraging the collective knowledge and experience of the group. It is widely used in organizations and communities as a means to increase collaboration, trust and overall productivity.

See also: collective action, complexity science, decision making, network dynamics, systems thinking

rp daily: a conversation that will blow your mind with Daniel Schmachtenberger 68,996

Human civilization is a self-terminating system | Daniel Schmachtenberger and Lex Fridman 64,696

In Search of the Third Attractor, Daniel Schmachtenberger (part 1) 59,879

How To STEER Civilization Away From CATASTROPHE with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Aubrey Marcus Podcast 43,890

"Our Democracy is Dead" Breakdown of Markets and Culture (Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein) 34,780

Crucial Risks & Opportunities from COVID-19 | Daniel Schmachtenberger 33,876

Daniel Schmachtenberger: Bend not Break: Maximum Power & Hyper Agents | The Great Simplification #20 29,369

Daniel Schmachtenberger - Building Better Sensemaking | Modern Wisdom Podcast 348 28,067

Converting Moloch from Sith to Jedi w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger 27,910