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Sustainability Data for Supply Chains - Ephi Banaynal dela Cruz (Context Nature)

18th Jun 2024 Gemini 1.5 Pro

Ephi's Background and Journey

Ephi Banaynal dela Cruz, co-founder and CEO of Context Nature, shares her journey from social activism in the Philippines to leading sustainability initiatives at major tech companies like Microsoft and SAP. She emphasizes the importance of embedding sustainability into core business processes, moving beyond mere compliance. Ephi's early work at Palm Inc. on sustainable packaging and eliminating harmful materials in cables highlighted the need for collective action to drive industry-wide change.

"And I got the opportunity to be their first environmental steward. And at that time, it was defined as somebody who was going to think beyond compliance, work with the product teams, and eventually that role added working with the facilities. So help them with lead certification and then also with education with the employee base itself."

Ephi’s experience working with diverse stakeholders, understanding their language, and building consensus around sustainability goals has been instrumental in her career. Her work at Microsoft, focusing on human rights and equity in supply chains, further solidified her belief in the interconnectedness of social and environmental issues. Ephi’s passion for creating a more just and sustainable world led her to co-found Context Nature, where she aims to leverage data and technology to drive meaningful change.

The Urgency for Supply Chain Transparency

Ephi highlights the critical role of supply chains in achieving global sustainability goals. She emphasizes the environmental and social impacts embedded within every stage of a product's lifecycle, from raw material extraction to manufacturing and distribution.

"So supply chain, we have the power to say, I'm only going to purchase things that align with with your values of protecting the planet and communities. But I know that's difficult when price is a barrier. So I think there's this opportunity to rethink things that we buy, things that we make, and the purchases themselves to use that power to shift that system."

Ephi argues that current procurement practices, often driven by cost and speed, often overlook these broader impacts. She advocates for a shift in mindset, where businesses prioritize ethical sourcing and consider the long-term consequences of their purchasing decisions. Ephi believes that transparency and accountability throughout the supply chain are crucial for driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future.

Empowering Consumers and Businesses with Data

Ephi acknowledges the confusion and distrust consumers face regarding sustainability claims made by companies. The proliferation of single-attribute labels like "carbon neutral" or "fair trade," while well-intentioned, often fails to provide a holistic view of a product's impact.

"I think an opportunity for a company right now is... to look at what outcomes are they trying to achieve. And this doesn't necessarily exist this way. Ultimately, you want healthy soil, healthy air, right? You want protection of biodiversity. You want equity."

Context Nature aims to bridge this gap by providing businesses with comprehensive, multidimensional data on their supply chains. This data empowers businesses to make informed decisions that align with their sustainability goals and communicate their progress transparently to consumers.

Context Nature’s Role in Supply Chain Transformation

Context Nature aims to simplify the complex landscape of sustainability data for businesses. By aggregating and analyzing data from various sources, the platform provides actionable insights tailored to each company’s specific context. This data-driven approach enables businesses to identify risks and opportunities within their supply chains, develop effective sustainability strategies, and track their progress over time.

"Because a lot of this data is causing a lot of confusion a lot of the decision makers don't even know how to think about it. So once they get access to the information they don't quite understand, what does that mean for my own business, for my own context?"

Context Nature envisions a future where nature-positive decision-making is embedded within standard business operations. By making sustainability data accessible and understandable, the platform aims to empower businesses of all sizes to become agents of positive change.

A New Model of Business with Nature as a Shareholder

Context Nature is pioneering a new model of business where nature is recognized as a key stakeholder. By allocating 10% of the company's ownership to nature, they are exploring innovative mechanisms to ensure that the natural world benefits directly from their success.

"So we're in the beginning of that journey, right? But from the onset, we said that 10% of the company will be owned by Nature. So there will be mechanics around that. And examples could be building a trust for that 10%, coming up with clear guidelines on how that can be accessed."

This commitment reflects Context Nature's deep-rooted belief that businesses have a responsibility to operate within the planet's ecological limits and contribute to the regeneration of natural systems. The company is actively exploring ways to structure this ownership, such as establishing a trust or granting nature a seat on their board of directors, ensuring that the needs of the planet are represented in their decision-making processes. This bold move challenges traditional business models and paves the way for a more equitable and sustainable future where both people and planet can thrive.